May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

You are never too old to learn....

or to admit you maybe wrong.

I have used the link to the cache HSS2 to check out the 2nd years' blogs to see if anyone had a post about the site being closed, but I didnt find anything.

What I did find is....not everyone updates their blogs as quickly or often as I do...there were some that hadn't been updated since beginning of October/end of Sept.

Mayb e....just maybe....I have jumped to the wrong conclusion about my partner.

I even ran into a blog that had been keeping updated but didn't have anything about her partner at all..........okay to me its rude....but maybe....just maybe......its a norm.

Maybe....just maybe....I've made an ass of myself.

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