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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Crash and Burn

Well ... there's no question about it. I've fallen off the wagon this time.

Herrschner's had that Regia 4 ply on sale for less than $3/skein and I fought it as long as I could. I got three each of two different colors.

Actually things would have been fine .... I would have passed it all by .... until I found the Bernat Bling Bling for less than $1/skein in pretty Moulin Rouge for my oldest daughter (5 balls is enough for her to make a super simple poncho for herself) .... and they updated the Scrapbooking sale page.

Oh my downfall are the tins that look like old-fashioned lunchboxes ... I have so many uses for them. Well there's lunch tins, of course. but there are also: sorting of it-bits that won't fit nice in my scrapbook boxes w/o risk of bending; holding stampers; hiding the seeds from the mice; present giving (such a unique box); recipe boxes (the new ones are a little too big for 3X5s and a bit small for 6X4's though); candy holders; easter baskets; cookie jars; etc. etc. etc.

I don't think they will be ant proof though. But I've gotten totally addicted to them.

I don't know where Herrschner's came up with them .... I haven't seen them on just the regular site .... they just seem to show up on the sales page out of the blue.

Well got to go. Got a pattern to perfect (and it is looking really nice if I do say so myself) and a house to clean for Sunday.

Why do I have to wait til the last minute all the time???

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