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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Illegal?? - DNC Superdelegate Puts His Vote Up For Sale: "one superdelegate is courting the candidates. He says he'll sell his vote for a price. A very high price: $20 million.

Steven Ybarra of Sacramento says that eight-figure price is peanuts for the presidency"
Hmmm .... this smacks of corruption doesn't it? Even if he 'says' that money is going for one thing, he still is asking a price for his vote. If a senator did this for a bill -- we'd have him out on his ear.
This guy thinks he is going to be viewed as crazy.
I don't think he's crazy .... I think what he's doing is CRIMINAL.

Hey, Dean??? Why are you letting this man keep his vote? I would have thought before this story had even made it to the media you would have pulled his credentials.

Here's a challenge for the DNC -- instead of trying to push the party towards one side (I think Dean blames Clinton for his nomination loss) why don't you clean up politicians like this one from your party. Then maybe ... just maybe ... you would find people staying or returning to your party; maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't have former VP candidates switching parties on you.
Maybe .... maybe .... your party will regain some of the luster it had before all the scandals broke out.

Throw this guy out with the bathwater.

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