May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hmmm. - Your official site for the latest entertainment news, celebrity gossip, Hollywood rumors, celebrity video and photo galleries:
"TMZ has learned Richards' lawyer, Neal Hersh, came armed with home video from Denise, showing her kids acting out in a way Denise found alarming. Hersh would not comment on the video, but we're told the way the kids have been acting is why she wants restrictions on Charlie's contact with the kids. We also know the videos were not shown in court."
Maybe they were acting out the way they saw their mommy behaving on her reality show.

You know I've been wondering -- when she took her weeks 'vacation' in Hawaii for her reality show, why didn't she let the kids stay with their dad during that time instead of their grandfather?

I've really got to feel for these kids ... they are being used as pawns by everyone in their lives.

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