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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Getting to Know Me

Yarn Harlot: January 2005 Archives Found this on the Yarn Harlot's website while trying to find a blog dealing with 'At Knit's End' her little book of sayings/meditations for knitters - I just got the audio version from KnitPicks big book sale (sorry its done now) .... but when I saw this little poll - well you know me! I just had to go off on this tangent (ha ha ha)

1. The last movie you went to see in a theater: Iron Man (for 'Family Fun Night' because it was only $5)

2. The last movie you watched at home: Shall We Dance ... Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers

3. How many movies do you own? more than I have skeins of yarn - I really mean it. We have a 300 disk DVD player, and 5 cases that hole 300 disks ... and we still have disks that we haven't put in yet. And that doesn't count the VHS tapes that we don't watch anymore ... well, not too often.

4. Got Netflix (or a similar service)? Goodness no .... you have to give the movies back eventually.

What are the next three movies in your queue? I have no idea ... we will see what pops up.

5. List five movies you adore/mean a lot to you: Only five? this could be rough...
Gone With The Wind
Wizard Of Oz
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Baby Boom
Almost anything B&W (I adore Classic Movies)

6. Name your guilty pleasure movie (or genre): I love the 'American Girl' movies .... I can't wait for 'Kit' to come out on DVD

7. What's your favourite quote from a movie? "I fart in your general direction"

8. Name 3 people to whom you're going to pass these questions on, and why: my past Hogwarts sock swap partner, just to annoy her
my current HSS partner to get to know her more
and finally my oldest son, because I haven't got a clue what to get him for Yuletide this year.

Okay you read mine -- now pass it onto your blog.

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