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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Welcome to Earth

'Say please' at U. S. border nets pepper spray:
"A Canadian who demanded courtesy from a U.S. border security guard says he was pepper sprayed and held in custody for three hours for asking the disrespectful officer to 'say please' when ordering him to turn his car off during a search."
Okay -- it needs to be said - and it was in the story from the sprayees point of view -- that the officer asked him SEVERAL times to turn the engine off!

He asked the cop three times to say 'Please" ... you know the cop asked well over three times getting pissed all the time.
For some reason this 'victim of his own stupidity' thought the cop was supposed to show him respect when he wouldn't follow a simple command .... so its 'the cops fault' in his mind.

Here's an idea ... TURN THE DAMN ENGINE OFF ... and then you can talk to the cop about his attitude.

You don't poke the bear and then blame the bear because it bit you.

He gets the respect because of the badge, not because he's polite. He gets the respect because he puts his life on the line everyday. And, Yes, he gets the respect because he has the gun.

Seems to me that YOU were the one who was disrespectful first.

What an ass.

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