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Friday, October 30, 2009

Spendulus Package ... working?

Alright - so there is more problems with the 'numbers' of jobs that came from the Stimulus pkg. -- you remember that huge thing that was passed before anyone really knew what the hell was going on? That thing that is actually doing the exact opposite of what every major economist said to do (cut tax/raise interest rates) ...

The AP (Associated Press) released an article that said:
"The Government has overstated by thousands the number of jobs it has created or saved with federal contracts under the president's (sic) $787 billion recovery program."

Now remember, when this thing looked like it was going to flop the WH pinned it on Bush ... now that they feel they can make a claim that it has 'saved' jobs they are trying to take credit for it ....

Why is this important?

Well the day after the AP article came out the WH released what it says are 'conservative' numbers of jobs created/save.

They say 650,000 jobs have been created or saved, with just half that money... and that that number, they are sure, will go up to over a million jobs.

But here's the problem --

How can you tell if it saved a job? After all that comes out to JUST $605.38 a job (you can check my math if you'd like ... 1/2($787billion) {the money they say they've spent}, ANS/650,000 {number of jobs created}, = cost per job ... I've done it a couple of times just in case I did something wrong, but it comes out the same)

Just because a company got stimulus money and didn't lay anyone off doesn't mean that it saved any jobs. They have accts. of at least one college university and a daycare center who used their share of the stimulus package -- which makes me wonder how the hell they got the money to beging with -- to give raises instead of create actual jobs.

I don't know how they can point to this creating jobs at all ---

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