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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Numerology Class

Weekly Jobless claims .... yeah you read that correctly, they are doing it weekly now ...
440,000 first time unemployment claims (but that is better than expected) -- skeptics say that the number is low because bad weather kept people from claiming and that the weather did close many state offices in nation so people couldn't claim if they wanted to ... this would 'invalidate' the number.

WH forecasts 95,000 new jobs/month to be created this year (Council of Economic Advisors), but their numbers aren't adding up - where are these jobs? Experts are saying that you have to have at least 100,000 new permanent full-time positions before we make a dent in the unemployment rate and to get the economy growing.

1.6-2.3 million ... number of jobs Biden claims were created with the stim. bill (although the CBO has come out and said the formula used to come up with these numbers is no where near accurate)

4 days - number of days Washington DC has been shut down by snowstorm. But it could be days before residential areas can get dug out.

Snow falls:

  • 26.8" East Nantmeal, PA
  • 26.0" Westminster, NY
  • 17.5" Westfield, NY
  • 17.0" Blackwood, NJ
  • 14.0" Lucketts, VA

200 - number of people stranded along I-78 because snow plows could not keep up with the snow. Berks county EMS delivered food/water to people to sustain them until midnight, when the highway was finally cleared [ginger: so if the emergency crews could get to them, why couldn't they get these people out of there to some shelter? this is the same damn shit that goes on during floods & other disasters]

Record Snow fall for seasons (and its not over yet):

  • 09-10__Prev.
  • 71.6____65.5___Philadelphia, PA
  • 79.9____62.6___Baltimore, MD
  • 55.9____54.4___Washington DC
  • 66.7____55.9___Wilmington, DE

11" - the total snow fall we got in my city even though the "official" total was only 5" (so bad that the bottom 3 steps to our front door could not be seen)

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