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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Economic Education

saw this on The View too and wanted to share

The Real Cost of Raising Children

Direct Impacts:
$180,000 Basic Cost (they say most is in first year)
$40,000 Child Care (White House Budget Office stat = $10,000/yr for 4 yrs)
$201,108 State College
$404,831 Private College

Indirect Impacts: (they called it "the MotherHood Penalty")
women who don't have children earn the most
women with children make 7 - 19% less per child
Federal Law says women get 3 months maternity leave, but employers do not pay during that time
Women with babies do not advance as quickly in the work place as those without children
For most women, if they wait until they are 26 to have a child the motherhood penalty 'goes away' ... over your lifetime. Even faster will you catch up if you wait until 30 yrs to have a child.

having children is the biggest predictor of bankruptcy for women ...
1/3 of income goes towards child care costs (for one child)

Get out your check books!!

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