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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Can't Win For Loose

Twin Cities Nurses Authorize a Second Strike KSTP TV - Minneapolis and St. Paul

Right now I feel so sorry for my old neighbor ... she used to work at Northwest airlines (now Delta) and she was tired of all the strikes that were going on so she went back to school to get her nursing degree ...

Now look -- she has to deal with another union forcing thru strikes.

Now I do believe that nurses are overworked ... lets face it, if you've ever went to the drs office you know that the majority of your contact is with the nurses -- and if you've ever had any one in the hospital you are lucky if you see your dr more than 15 minutes at a time ...

and I believe that they are not staffed well enough - especially if they have a patient who is excedingly difficult. And I have ran into really nice nurses and those who you wonder 'why the heck are you in this profession if you don't like people'.

Best Nurse: Charlotte ... when I had my first child she was very patient and helpfull with teaching me to breast feed. She had no problem coming in every few hours to be sure that I was latching him on correctly. She was soooooo super nice .... even after nearly 22 yrs I remember her.

Worst Nurse: I can't remember her name -- I hated her. She came on duty at night when Charlotte was off -- yeah another to do with my first born .... instead of being patient with a first time mother who was very tired and desperate to feed her crying infant, got all annoyed - said things like "women have been doing this for years' and 'mothers in 3rd word countries do this with no training' and then tried to literally shove my baby's head onto the teat. I finally had to ask her to leave, that I would figure it out myself.

And yeah, because of the bad latching we wound up bottle feeding ... but that isn't that nurses fault, that part I was having troubles with all on my own.

but while, yeah I understand what they are fighting for .... I still think the whole strike is being manipulated by the Union who now has friends in the White House.

mean while -- they strike they say for patient safety ... yet they put patients in danger by going on strike.

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