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Thursday, December 08, 2011


There has been a shooting at Virginia Tech ... Students have reported hearing the sirens going off and announcements saying that all students were supposed to stay in class.

Two people were reported "down" - one of whom was a police officer ....

Another person is reported as having surrendered but they do not match the description given by the university's campus paper - so there is some question as to whether the have caught the shooter yet.

I jumped over to my Internet camera app but only found one which showed an officers car ... This was soon joined by a second and the scooted off a couple who was setting up a camera - I did not see a news van anywhere so I have no idea if they were a news group or not

This photo is of where the olive cars were, but it looks like where the TREE IS DOWN is where the police cars used to be shortly before ... So I'm not completely sure that they were there to look for the shooter ... Perhaps they were there to lend security so someone didn't get hurt when the tree got taken down ...

It could be an incident that nothing to do with the shooting at all

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