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Wednesday, May 09, 2012

File This Under ..

Institutionalized Bullying ...

In Minnesota, if you smoke you are bullied left & right ... don't believe me?

In this state - if you operate a Cigar Shoppe (and its the only way you are ALLOWED to sell them now) you have to pay 70% PER cigar ....

BEFORE A SINGLE ONE OF THEM IS SOLD then on top of that they have to charge the normal sales tax ...

so they are taxed on INVENTORY without guarantee that they will sale that cigar ...

and while the state does do this to a few other products as well - not to this EXTREME!!

Yet the state has not been ableto prove any REASON why these shoppes should be charged more ...

they simply do not LIKE the act of smoking .... therefore they must pay more to FORCE people to fall inline and not do it ...

that is bullying ...

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