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Monday, December 16, 2013

Straight From Their Own Mouths

The Washington post has just released their list of top 5 "Pinocchios of the 2013" (as in LIRS told by the government)

Here they are backwards ... (There should be an image in the front of these as a paragraph label)

😳~ "the day after Bengali happened, I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism" Pres. Obama
😳 ~ "Clinton denied security for Libyan personable with her signature on a cable" Representative Issa
😳 ~ "Capital Hill janitors just got a pay cut" President Obama
😳 ~ " Obamas kids are protected by armed guards at their school" NRA
😵 ~ "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it" President Obama

#5) find the clip online ... He did NOT call it a terrorist act, he did use the term "acts of terror" as  a generalized group of things, but not this particular act

#2) while "armed guards" each daughter DOES have an assigned secret service agent which shadows them to be sure they are safe ... We've seen it movies, and on West Wing ... secret service personnale are armed ... So while not armed guards, they ARE armed

#1) Maybe if we were allowed to SEE the bill BEFORE it was passed, we may have learned and pointed out the PROBLEMS with it!
But then that's PELOSIs Pinocchio award ....

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