May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


Okay  - so Joe Biden is getting even more pushing by sitting congressional democrats to pull out of the race ...

But now he says that he will only pull out IF HIS DOCTOR'S TELL HIM TO ...

Why does he say this?

Because that "cold" that he had during the debate has suddenly morphed into .... C ... 19 ... 


How interesting ...

Like we didn't see this one coming ...

How many of us had "Quarantined" on our BINGO cards??

We will see what happens.

So as of right now, it sounds like HARRIS is Acting-President ... but she doesn't actually get that title at all ... she's still just called Vice-President .... giggle .... VP Trump ... LOLOLOLOLOL

We will have to see what's going to happen next.

Everybody check your BINGO cards and lets play some more.

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