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Wednesday, July 24, 2024


.... for all of 15 minutes .... and I may not be too generous, but I would have expected MORE to his speech, if not in length but in substance.

It sounds like Biden's wife, children, and some of the grandchildren as well, were in the Oval Office with him as he made his speech.

Some sliently cried, "tears rolling down their cheeks" .... and that was from Bret Beaer ... so that was a surprise.

But ... his voice was very thin .... like my father-in-law - but he was 92 at the time, not 81 years old.

He obviously read things off a teleprompter ... but he did still trip over a few sentences, but not too badly.

I thought for sure he was going to resign when he started talking .... he was talking about passing things onto a new generation - which to me sounded like it was a Goodbye speech ....

Instead - he is going to continue on for the next 6 months.

Really - it's too bad for Kamala Harris.
She has very little record of success on things she has done while VP - in fact, it's been mostly failures ....
Had Biden resigned, then she would have had a full 6 months of Leadership under her belt ...

or about 100 days, before the election.

This will be interesting, to say the least.

Now he's a Lame Duck .... which is what Trump will be if he wins ... we will have to see what "Executive Orders" he will push forward ...

I'm going to guess ....
Our wallets will get thinner ...
Our bank accounts will be hurting ...

We will have to see ....

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