May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Okay - so this is pure Parent Humor ... sophmoric but everyone knows the meanins behind it ...

So I was watching a bit of Law & Order (S6, E2 on Sundance, I think) and they cut to a commercial ...

It started"

"Ah, Nature ..."
Cut to a particular sound, follwed by a smiling infant/toddler ...


It's funny because it's true!
I don't know why they do it .... but after they "do it", for some reason, kids always seem to smile ...

Especially if you are in a situation where changing a diaper wasn't going to be either easy or convienient .... LOL.

Maybe I'm just a big kid ...

I found it funny.

BTW, it was a commercial for Baby Wipes

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