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Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Kimberley Cheatle has resigned from her position as director of the Secret Service ...

and she really should have - especially with everything they found out YESTERDAY at the hearing ....

Apparently, Robert Kennedy Jr. DOESN'T have Secret Service protection .... my understanding is ANYONE who is a designated nominee is SUPPOSED TO have Secret Service ... especially this man, since his father, RFK, was killed while campaigning!

Also - even 11 days after the shooting, she - as Director - had NEVER been to the sight of the rally .... not even after the shooting itself.

If she had gone, she would have seen that the roof of the buildings where the snipers were stationed, had steeper slopes than the one the wannabe assassin was on  ...
The building the shooter was on had a 12/1 pitch .... think "wheelchair ramp" ... that kind of slope ...
Where the slope the snipers were on were more like a house roof.

she would have seen that while the shooter had a clear line of sight, the snipers were impeded ... by a tree!

So now the question is ..... WHO is going to run the Secret Service??

They better jump on this quick!

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