May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Every day this July, I've been trying to avoid the HALLMARK CHANNEL on cable ....

And I almost made it this year ... 

Every July - they do "Christmas in July" showing a chunk of their Christmas movies every day ...

I made it until this week - I don't know why I tuned in yesterday, but I did ...

I hate Hallmark movies ....
They suck you in ...
It's not that they're bad, I just usually find them so sugary sweet it makes my teeth hurt!

But yesterday .... and I can't believe I'm going to admit this ...

Yesterday - they had one that almost made me cry ... ALMOST!!

Now today - okay, there's another one!

The one yesterday got me with the name "Mystery at Mistletoe Manor" ... I'm always up to a mystery, and what mystery could possibly surround Christmas??

How about a missing HOUSE????

I was so close to crying at the end .... it brought up so many memories of when we decorated the house every winter .... I miss that.

I hate Hallmark Channel!

I grew up with 6 brothers ... if we cried we were asked if we were bleeding, and if so, get off the carpeting because it would stain.

And it wasn't that my folks didn't love us - they just learned that laughing through a trouble was better than crying through it.

The one I'm watching today .... okay, Ive watched a few today ... but this one is ... I don't know ....

It's called "Magic of Mistletoe" and it's about a book aurthor who puts out a post basically being a Scrooge ... 
And .... so .... I thought it was going one way, but then it went another ...and then another ...

It's so full of zigs and zags ... twists and turns ... we are nearing the end of the movie now ...
And ...
Bam!! Another big twist!!


I hate Hallmark Channel!!

Stop making such great movies!!!!

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