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Thursday, August 15, 2024


They just don't get it!

Somehow, the White House (a,k,a, Biden-Harris) just never seemed to listen to people who told them DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS .... and that includes the Russians, because, let's face it, they ARE basically terrorists ....

So - we just did a "trade deal" with them to get some of the Americans being held "prisoner" on trumped up charges .... and these are really flimsy charges too.

They still have a few - that we've heard of - in heir jails ... supposably awaiting trials to determine their final sentences -- it seems to always be going back to court for these people ....
And not just Russia eiher ....
But - we are speaking of Russia NOW.

So, last week they arrested another man for something akin to "disturbing the peace" and then claimed he attacked a police officer .... and afer watching all the crap happening over here - I can kind of see the resisting arrest charge.

But now they have arrested a woman who has duel citizenship, American AND Russian .... she is a Prima Ballerina (according to Good Morning America (ABC)) ... so her charge?

High Treason

The cause?

She gave $35 to a Ukrainian charity!!!!

Her sentence?

As of right now .... 12 YEARS!!!!!

That's almost 3 years per dollar!!!

Aw man - my DVR deleted the show before I could finish watching the story .... IF I can find more info I will do a 


post ....

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