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Wednesday, August 14, 2024


 .... at least in a Unionists mind??

So I was watching Good Morning America (ABC) today when they brought up some news, saying that the UAW is going to sue BOTH Donald Trump and Elon Musk for daring to talk about firing Union members ....

Well - that's actually NOT what they said ... they were joking around and, if I remember correctly, Trump said somehing about how when Elon Musk bought a company (he said he wouldn't say which, but it was in the news back then).

When workers refused to go back to work - I don't remember if it was because Musk bought the company, or if it was because it meant they'd actually have to work IN the office space - either way, they refused to return ...
Musk said, then you're fired.

I do believe the company was sued then and LOST ....
But for some reason the UAW is now putting up yet anouther stink over something that doesn't even concern their workers!!!

Yeah - the head of the UAW put out this statement:
    "Firing workers for organizing, striking, and exersizing their rights as Americans is Economic Terrorism." Sean O'Brien, 
The only thing is .... there is NO evidence that they spoke of preventing any organizing ... and while "strikes" have often been used by the Unions, it has never been seen as a "safety blanket" for employees to not be able to work - UNLESS it is written within the contract with the company where they are working.

See - if we take away the RIGHT of a business OWNER to FIRE workers, then we take away ALL powers of that business owner.

Most owners will work WITH employees/unions ... but these big unions, such as the UAW, are so large that they feel that they should be able to dictate to the owners how a business should be run.

And I'm sorry - but my dad had to deal with Union shopmen all the damned time ... the only one worth a damn was the NON-union worker.

He had one guy who stole items, and then sold said items on the weekends ... but he was already getting union wages, so that wasn't the issue.
He had another one who didn't want to do inventory, so every 3 months he was sick and had to stay home for those days when inventory was taking place ... dad said he needed to see a doctor's note ... the guy brought in a union rep to say "no, not needed" ... 
Then dad had one guy who could not, for the life of himself, count past 5.  Don't ask me what happened to this guy, I don't know - dad said he was perfectly fine every other way, but filling an order for a job took FOREVER .... because things had to be counted by 5 - and even then, larger units, the pitily things like nuts & bolts, metal ties, etc ... all had to be done in groups no larger than 25 (5x5) .... some of the jobs could call for thousands of nuts and bolts.

Oh man - I'm sorry .... I have several brothers who have been union men ... one won't even talk to me anymore .... but I've seen the bad side to Unions ....
I have children who belong to unions .... and they seem to like it - until it's time for a "strke".

Have you noticed, they never strike in the WINTER up north?
Who wants to walk a picket line for hours at a time, when it's cold & snowy??

I just don't think the UAW has any standing to sue over some ruckus on the internet.

Whatever happened to the RIght of Free Speech?  

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