May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Me niether!

I've got to make gifts for my 4 kids (all adults now), 3 significant others, 1 dog, 1 cat, and 1 grandchild .... at least for now ....

I've been planning this all year long ....

I figured afghans ...
Socks ....
Shawls ....
Place mats ....

and you know how much of this I have gotten done so far?

NONE of it ...

I've almost have the center part done on ONE of the placemat (set of 4) ... but that's it ....

I am in my most "Christmassy" mood when it's raining out .... 

and I'm in the cabin which is now on the salers market - so that's out of the question ....

But .... I just cannot get into the mood this year at all ....

sigh ....

Christmas may have to come in a van this year .... but we can't afford that.

I've gotta get going on this ....

I think sitting in front of the gas fireplace might help .... but then there's the cat I'm allergic too .... did I mention we still have the cat?

I gotta get going on this ....

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