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Wednesday, August 21, 2024


So, the Democratic convention is going on in Chicago ... the place of the 1968 convention where there was a massive riot which was massively covered by the News around the world (videos all over YouTube, so I'm not embedding any here)

It was the time of unrest in the USA - they protested everything back in those days, but the main cause of the time was the AntiWar, Vietnam, protests .... there were other stuff going on too ... butanyhow ....

There were DAILY protests outside the White House - President Johnsson's daughter said he could hear every chant they did outside, within the Oval office.

"Hey, Hey, LBJ
How many kids did you kill today?"

Zoom to today's protesters .... those Anti-Israeli protesters who are currently at the Democratic convention .... and RALLIES .... oh yeah, and it gets even worse ... wait for it.

So what is their chants??  It has to be something super original right?  
I mean, they have had a really long time to work on it - the convention has been scheduled for a really, really long time ...

"DNC, what do you say,
How many kids have you killed today?"

Wow .... 

Change 3 letters and it's supposed to be original????

Okay - Nancy Pelosi was on David Cobert ... I've no idea who this guy is, so I likely got his name wrong, but I do know he's some big talk show host ... 

She was asked a question and before she could even begin her answer, the protesters - who had to be LET IN to the audience - began shouting ...

Corbert looked like he knew this was going to happen - at least, he didn't look surprised at all.  He let them shout over Pelosi for a few minutes, then asked them to not shout over his guest ....

Likely that was because Pelosi was getting rather annoyed and likely would have - should have - walked off the set.

You can't talk to these people ....
They didn't listen in 1968 ....
They won't listen now ....

We have not taught our youth that just because they have sometime to say - screaming in someone's face is WRONG .... no matter the cause.

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