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Friday, August 30, 2024


For some reason last night my DVR did NOT record any of my news programs .... I'm not exactly sure why, because it did record "Miss Marple" and "Murder, She Baked" (a really good show on Hallmark Mysteries, check it out) ... so I'm not exactly sure what was going on.

I do know that a horrid storm was gong thoug about that same time where the main office is in the Cities, so that might have had something to do with it ...

Anyways - my husband ("hubby" or "Chief Sweetheart" as I call him) was able to watch the "interview" that Harris and Walz had on CNN last night ...

I put "interview" in quotation marks because from what I saw, it was PRE-RECORDED, it wad EDITED, it was PLANNED, and it was SCRIPTED.

I didn't pay attention ....

Until this morning ....

I have very old technology - my iPad won't even update anymore - so that X comes up as Twitter on my iPad ...

Well, there was BREAKING NEWS this morning ... something about McDonoald's not having any record of ....

Well - that got me searching on X for what the heck they were talking about .... I hate looking for stuff on X - it lists things from newest to oldest, and it does NOT filter out "news" from all the other falbercarb going on ... so I was running into all sorts of crud about McDonald's ...

FINALLY - I found something which told me what it was about.

AparentlyI, during the "interview" Kamala said she had worked at McDonald's at one point .... said she started on Fired and then moved to Cashier ... at least from what I found on X ... 

McDonald's - who has a record of EVERYONE who EVER worked for them since the 1960s .... they are not going to do anything to upset the IRS ...

According to McD's - they have no record of "Kamala Devi Harris" working for them ... EVER!!!!!

Harris is not that much younger than me ... just over a year ... and she would have been waaaaay to young to work back then ....

TRUTH: Kamala did NOT work for McDonald's
CONSEQUESNCES: now see this is where the problem lies ....

See - the news stations - Abc, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, etc. will all cut her "slack" ... they won't say a thing about it, or they will make some excuse about how she was simply mistaken, or that there's no way McDonald's could possibly know everyone who worked for them ... 
But if she had been Trump or Kennedy or Haley or Palin ... they would be raking them over the coals!

So .... Truth or Consequencest .... I think people these days have forgotten the concept.

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