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Friday, August 23, 2024


Well, well, well - it turns out that 5 Secret Service agents - who were on Mr. Trump's team - are on Administrative Leave over the attempted assassination!!!

Of those 5, ONE is in deep troulbe over the way things had been handled.

Administrative Leave is pretty typical any time there's an investigation .... 

I have not heard what the agent did that's in deep trouble - we will have to wait and see.

Being that the Department of Justice is carrying this out .... I'm going to guess that it is more likely that at least 1 will be fired ... they need a scapegoat.

We will have to see how this goes .... but they JUST got put on leave .... now .... 8 weeks later .... otherwise, they were STILL on Mr. Trump's team, I believe.

Someone is not catching the ball here ....

It's like they put young toddlers in charge!

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