May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Friday, August 23, 2024


So, here's my question ....

Is Chicago safer with the Democratic Convention than it is without it?

I'm serious here ....
They have an overwhelming amount of Peace Officers in the area - makes sense, they've got a lot of celebrities in the area ....

BUT .... they are concentrated in ONE area of the city ... around the convention area ....

This means, essentially, that the officers had to be pulled from somewhere else.

BUT, rumor has it, that with all the protestes out there, putting the cops in bad moods .... even the thugs of the city don't want to mess with them.

So I would think what it's likely to do, is send all the issues OUTSIDE of the city .... more so than they did before ....

I tend to listen to a lot of police calls - usually the area where I'm at, but Chicago has been an interest of late .... and there are still calls within the city area, but it has definately "quieted down" a bit.

So - what will happen at the end of the week??

Suddenly the officers will be gone ....
Suddenly the celebrities will be gone ....
Suddenly the fences will be gone ....
Suddenly "quiet" will decend upon the city ....

And the criminal element will crawl back out of whatever rock they've been hiding under ....

and ....

Make up for LOST TIME.

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