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Friday, August 23, 2024


Okay - so I tuned into FoxNews Ch ... 

annel - I don't recall the show, I'm just not feeling very well today - and I got a little bit of clarification on who's been put on Administrative Leave.

One is from Mr. Trump's personal detail - this is not a "personal security team", like Mr. Trump would have hired ... this would be from the Group of Secret Service agents ASSIGNED by the upper levels of government - aka the current administration ... to watch over a former President ...

So, these are the guys who travel with the President everywhere he goes - the ones who would be with him, even if he wasn't running for office ... these are the guys like Obama has ... Bush has ... Clinton has ... even Carter has these guys!

Yet - ONLY Mr. Trump's guys seem to have an issue ...
Isn't that interesting??

The other 4 guys are from the Pittsburgh office of the Phillie branch ...

UGH ....

Senator Gramm (I think) said that SOMEONE has to be fired.

He said ... if this were the MILITARY, someone would get fired!
Ummmm - sir? They don't FIRE you in the MILITARY ... they might reduce your rank and cut your pay .... but unless they COURT MARTIAL you - you are in for the length of your contract once you pass Basic Training (i.e. Boot Camp) .... 
They might even reassign you to the deepest swamp in Mississippi, sir - but 4 of these men already come from the Arm Pit of the USA, is there anything worse??
Wait - don't answer that ....

I would hope - unless they knew but allow Mr. Trump to go out there anyhow - that the guy from Trump's team would be fine ...
I would hope that they took their job serious enough to make sure everything was CLEAR before allowing him to go on stage.

CLEAR is a technical term ... it means things were checked, double checked, and triple checked, quadruple checked even ... and it's taken VERY, Very, very seriously!!!

There was no 6th person involved in the investigation by the sounds of it ....

I will keep you advised as I learn more ...

Right now - I'm going to go lay down ... and try NOT to feel like I'm freezing ... or roasting .... yet again .... but I don't have a fever - it's very strange.

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