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Saturday, August 24, 2024


I am a tad behind on watcching my programs ... but I heard these numbers on Special Report (FNC) but they were just kind of tossed out there like they were no huge deal.

I'm sorry .... I think they are a HUGE deal!

Latests expenditures from Special Prosecuter Jack Smith's office .... he's the one going after Mr. Trump for various reasons ....

From Oct. 2023 - Apr 2024 (6 months):


They used to be able to build a Man for that much money - my Gods - what did he spend that much money on??

He became S.C. in 2022 - and since then he has racked up a bill of $19 Million .... where do I get HIS job????

Granted, it was for 2 cases:
    The Florida Documents Case: put on Indefinate Hold for now by the Court because of misconduct committed by his office.  Although they say it was completely dismissed by the Judge .... I thought it was just on hold.
    The DC Election Interference Casse: scheduled to take place in March 2024 - obviously there's an issue since it's now the end of August 2024 - the next hearing for this case is set for Sept. 5th .... they say the Supreme Court ruling will limit the scope of Smith's case ... but I don't know.

That Date is just 5 days before the Presidential Debate ... so it will be interesting to say the least.

But .... $19 Million?? 

For what???

I mean, I know workers aren't cheap - but this is rediculous.

I think somebody better AUDIT his records!!!!

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