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Friday, August 30, 2024


So, I am currently watching this mornings Good Morning America (ABC) .... and it struck me, that they BLATANTLY began .... I mean they aren't even trying to hide it anymore ... they are totally being biased.

What do I mean?

Well - they did a story on Harris and Walz .... and they clipped and showed bits & pieces .... which one would expect, they've only got so long for the piece .... but they clipped them in such a way, that all the repeatd/word salad, etc. were taken out - just gone ... they didn't even put in the McD's bit ....
They said she didn't change her mind on several issues (fracking, EVs, border) that she had simply "clarified" what she had said, and for spots where she had obviously done a 180, they said that having been in office for 3 years it gave her clarity on the issue ....


But when they got to Mr. Trump .... well, he Re-Brand his image, because he said something thiey didn't realize before ...
Trump now says he supports IVF ... in fact, he wants to make insurance pay for it or for government to pay for it ....

The thing that he said which made me raise my eyebrows was when he said - We;re in the business of making babies ...
Baby making is not a "Business" .... that's called "prostitution" .... or "human trafficking" .... either way, it's AGAINST THE LAW - accept for prostitution, then it depends where you nare ....
Not legal IN Vegas, but outside of Vegas, it's legal in Nevada ....

But he gets the label "Rebranding" while she gets the label "clarifying" ....


They both are doing the EXACT same thing -- they are trying to get people to vote for them by LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH!!!

There is no way ANY President - not even Obama or Reagan - can get ANYTHING done, without CONGRESS behind them ....

Even Executive Orders can be NULLIFIED by Congress if they have the votes.

Just remember -- the Senate passes LAWS ..... House of Representatives "holds the purse strings", they SPEND the money .... the President SIGNS the paperwork so all is legal ....
The Vice-President warms a chair and waits for the President to fall ill or dead.  That's pretty much it.

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