May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Monday, August 26, 2024


This is an interesting view on how the term "White Privilege" is being used these days .... and a REAL look at some rather important numbers/figures ...

And ... it is quite SHOCKING when you find out the TRUTH on quite a few things ... 

Keep an eye & ear on the parts dropped into the original video as well .... I will list some of those stats, but AFTER/UNDER the embedded video ....

this is NOT MY VIDEO - I have NOTHING to do with the content or context at alll.

Poverty - Living in ...
    White - 40 Million    
    Black - 8 Million
    Adian - 2 Million
    Hispanic - 5 Million
    Native America - 1.5 Million

Shootings (2021) -
    Unarmed ny police ... 6
    Drive-By Shootings - 10,000

The POOREST part of the USA ... it's actually NOT the Bronx, nor Eadt side of Chicago, nor even Los Angeles/San Francisco ... it is ...
    The Appalacian Mountains
This is were JD Vance grew up .... and it's true, this is the DIRT POOREST PLACE IN THE USA ... 

It always has been, it likely always WILL be ....

But - it is overwhelmingly WHITE .... just because it is .... these are people you can learn something about by watching the old tv show "The Waltons" ... these are people who didn't get hit too hard by the Great Depression, because they really didn't have that much farther to fall.

It's a different way to look at the world in this video ... and to find out EXACTLY what a DISSERVICE the school systems are doing to our youth ....

It's interesting.

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