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Saturday, August 24, 2024


Have you noticed how many train derailments there have been these last few years??

I'm not saying they've never happened - but they used to be rare and far between - now it seems like we have a fairly major one every year ....

The latest is a train collision ... well, 2 trains collided .... which is virtually unheard of these days, since everything is automated by computers - I will see if I can find something on YouTube which will explain it (but it might be for British Railways)

Anyhow - it took out a bridge and spilled some FUEL in a beautiful, wooded (pines) area.

The police are trying to determine what happened which led to the collison ...

You all put Gomez Addams in charge of the railroads, I'm thinking!

I'm gonna guess that Butejedge (I'll correct that spelling later) likely will NOT be going to check things out .... he might get his snake-skin boots dirty ....

No - he just isn't all that interested in this part of his job ... 

And I would think the RAILROAD INDUSTRY would want to know WHY this keeps happening to them - BEFORE it starts happening to Amtrak

Two trains "kissing" is a pretty good sign that there is something MAJORLY WRONG with the system ....

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