May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Friday, August 23, 2024


Okay - so I'm just getting around o watching last nights episode of Special Report (FNC) - I wasn't feeling very well yesterday, today is ffy so far - and I almost missed it ....

It seems that a reporter splilled the beans!

As it was told, a reporter asked Mr. Trump if he was scared to be going out there to give a speech while they were still SEARCHING for a person of interest?

The look of shock on Mr. Trump's face was .... there .... you could see, for a brief moment, the after effect of the last time such a situation took place.

They did find the man - I don't know if that happened before or after he took the stage though.

Wow ....

I'm going to guess that somebody got a yapping at when he got into his Suburban .... they don't use Limos anymore.

Thank goodness nothing happened this time

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