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Thursday, August 22, 2024


RFK Jr. was a lot more relevant while Biden was in the election .... he was the "safe" vote - the "protest" vote - the "throw away" vote - for those who couldn't bring themselves to vote for either Trump or Biden ....

But word is out that Kennedy is goign to drop out of the election ....

And while he only had 20% or so of the votes .... if even that .... he took from BOTH sides ....

And I honestly think, that like Jesse Ventura, he would have had a really good chance to win!
You get enough people to toss their vote - and you could do it - especially if they honestly believe that there is no way victory could result .....

Then the next thing you know - its a 2AM victory .... although I seem to recall it wasn'tuntil, like 3am for the final declaration that Ventura had won .... what a night!

BUT if Kennedy drops out .... word is ... he is going to endorse Donald Trump!!!!

It has nothing to do with race, if you know the Kennedy's you understand
It has nothing to do with gender - he is actually too "correct" to not give her an edge because she's a woman

Let's get that out of the way first.

But he really doesn't like her politics .... and I think he believes she isn't ready for the job either!!!

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