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Saturday, August 24, 2024


That's what this is gonna be, plain and simple .... 

It's gonna be Trouble On A Stick ...

The Courts have dismissed some of the charges against 2 Lousville, KY former police officers .... something to do with "falsifying documents' used to obtain a warrent ...

During the shooting of Briana Taylor ....

You might remember this case ....
    She was a nurse, who was sleeping in bed with her then boyfriend .... when the  police entered with a NO KNOCK WARRENT ... when the door flew open, her boyfriend drew a gun, and shot an officer - body cameras show that they did identify themselves once they opened the door - causing the return of fire ....

And this is where I differ from my kids - rather loudly, them, not me .... I tend to just roll my eyes.

The officers were led to Briana Taylor's home because her former boyfriend had listed it as his place of residence ....

And like so many drug dealers - they didn't know any better ...

But this brought about a LOT of people screaming in the faces of WHITE politicians "Say Her Name!" ... that was all the information they were given and usually they were either going to or coming from an event which had NOTHING to do with their job.

But now that the Court has ruled that the boyfriend's actions were the cause of her death, and NOT the "bad warrent" ....

I'm going to guess that there's going to be some pretty major issues out there ....

Again ...

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