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Sunday, September 08, 2024

B AS IN b----, S AS IN S---!!!!

 What the heck is Liz Cheney going on about???

First TTTThwe already know she's a politician, she doesn't have to prove the point by opening her mouth ....

Secondly - STOP LYING!!!!!!

This morning on This Week ... (ABC) she said that she first voted in 1984 for President Reagan - and ever since then she had always voted for the Republican nominee ...

BUT - in 2016, she said she voted for HILLARY CLINTON ...frick
And in 2020, she said she voted for BIDEN ...

So why the Freakazoid is she lying about it now????


And the Democrats are eating it UP ... like a vampire in a blood bank ...
Only, its democrats ... so it's them, in YOUR wallets ... just saying.

So - Ma'am - did you LIE then? Or are you lying NOW?

I'm sorry -- but she was raised in a family like mine, where voting wasn't an "option" ... you got out an voted -- it was your CIVIL DUTY ...

She says Mr. Trump is a "threat" - that we see it on a "daily basis" .... 

I wonder what news shows/newspapers/websites she watches/reads??

I know she blames him for the January 6th riots ... and they were horrible, disgraceful ... BUT - even Congress's own Hearing Commision couldn't come right out and point the finger at him .... 

Yes he was IMPEACHED .... twice ... BUT - they NEVER removed him from OFFICE ... it was a total, political, dick move ....

And, no - there was mo "proof" found .... but then they never even looked at any of the evidence his lawyers brought to court!!!

My husband has been Head Judge at the polling place for some 20 years now ... and what was shown on that video was WRONG ... it was not "normal" in any circumstance ....

So I wonder if Liz Cheney (and now her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney ... oh this is another story) ...FINALLY going to take off her RhINO suit????

RhINO = Republican In Name Only

I don't know who started this acronym but it fits HER to a T

Liz - p;eeeeaaaasssee DROP your affiliation with the Republicans.  You will never be a Republican, you will never fully be a Democrat -- be a Bull Moose, if you must ...

But STOP calling yourself a Republican ... you're giving them a BAD NAME ....

Haven't learned my lesson yet ... Liz Cheney says she HAS spoken to Harris, herself, directly ... and then she sung praises about her ....

I think we just found out which "Republican" is going to be part of the HARRIS CABINET!!!!!

Wow .... way to sell out your country, Liz1

worse than Donald Trump.

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