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Monday, September 09, 2024


And, yes, its a BLATANT lie, too!

So we3 all know both sides lie -- doesn't matter if you are Republican or Democrat - they just lie ... tell untruths .... twist words around so badly that you will never know what was really said ....

Well - that almost got me this weeekend ... after all - you hear it from 3 different sources ... three different channels ... and you kind of start to think it's true ...

But last night .... or rather super early this morning ... I happened to catch Meet The Press (NBC) repeated on MSNBC ....

Yup - If I can catch it, I will grit my teeth and bear through it ...

And one of the guests they had on was a Senator & a Revrend ... I did not catch his name though - it was like 3am this morning cut me some slack - and he was asked about what he thought of JD VANCE's comment about the Georgia school shooting ...

and the host reported that Vance said that school shootings are the new normal ...
And the guest, even after the sound bite, agreed with what the host said!

Only thing is .... THAT'S NOT WHAT HE SAID!!!!

What Mr. Vance said was ...

He hated to admit it, but it was the "new normal" that people who set out to do harm (not his words, heis were more colorful) have found that our SCHOOLS were perfect TARGETS because of the lack of SECURITY!!!

If I can find a clip on YouTube of this quote, I will embed it.

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