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Friday, September 06, 2024


First - what the heck are White Man tacos???

I'm sorry - but that is NOT a thing ....

Harris thought it was "tuna and mayonaisse" - um, that would be "mayo" not "mayonaisse", Madam VICE President ....

Because apparently, white folks put mayo on everything.

Walz said it was hamburger & cheese - um, that would be3 "burger" and not "hamburger" - second, what taco DOESN'T have burger and cheese????

Most of us also add such as refried beans .... tomatoes ... olives .... lettuce ... etc. all topped off with either salsa or taco sauce.

Spice tht meat up too!!!!

I've lived in MN my entire life .... although between Mark Dayton and Tim Walz, we are looking at moving out now .... NO ONE in MN - unless they have a health reason of some sort - wouldn't put taco seasoning in their taco meat!

Remember - Tim Walz is NOT from Minnesota ... he came from Nebraska .... he's a western version of a Carpet Bagger ....

How the heck he got to be Governer is beyond me!  He was HORRID as a legislator!

Second - according to Time Walz (the Wuss) the spiciest MN gets is peper????

Excuse me???

I think this man feels a need to White Bash as much as possible ....

No - we use spice just like EVERYONE ELSE .... you can go through my spice cabinet now, and you will find 
    Chili Powder
    Taco Seasoning
    Red Pepper - both gruond and flakes
    and a plethera of other stuff as well

I have a daughter who has a WHEAT ALLERGY so I tend NOT to use seasoning packets, which tend to use flour as an anti-caking agent.

BUT - I also tend to use MEDIUM HEAT SALSA as a replacement .... we have found a very nice GLUTEN-FREE one at Sam's Club, at a good price ....

I use it for anything I would use chili powder or taco seasoning or fajita seasoning, etc., for when she is going to be eating what is being made.

I'm sorry ... but NO ... pepper is NOT as hot as it gets ...

We may not buy as much Tabasco as Louisiana .... but most homes have a bottle of it somewhere (not in my house though - there's a reason for that)

Tim Walz is such a noodge .... total .... absolute noodge.

Even his own family (the one he grew up with) WON'T support him!!!!

They put out a photo of them wearing t-shirts reading "Walz for Trump" ....

It's actually quite sad ....

but it has to make you wonder ....


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