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Tuesday, September 17, 2024


sigh ... when will they stop?

Not so much the media - it's kind of their job to report on all this stuff ,.
Rather, the Dems and the Repubs????

So I'm watching The Faulkner Focus (FNC) - my copy of Good Morning America (ABC) was deleted from my dvr so I will have to wait and see if I can get a repeat of it later - any how ....

Oh the Fox show, Faulkner stressed that "less than 120 minutes later" ... 

Yeah well, I didn't find out about it until 4 hours later, so I can understand the "oops" on Hakeem Jefferies part ... not everyone is glued to the news or their phones on the weekends ....

For me - Sundays is the day I touch my phone the least ... I'm going to guess that Jefferies is likely a spiritual, church going man - he may have been at Service all morning long ... chances are good that he hadn't even turned a radio station which gave news yet.

But here's the post she is upset about ... they highlighted parts of the post - so I will too ... I hope (it's not something I do a lot of)

"Extreme MAGA Republicans are the party of a national abortion ban and Trump's Project 2025.  We must stop them.

15 July 2024
Hakeem Jefferie
Ooh - I did it!
Bit of a pain, but I did it!
Patting myself on my back right now .... LOL

She also put up a quote from a former CNN host, John Lemon (oh this poor guy growing up, I'm gonna guess he got teased a lot) ... on a CNN show he said:
    "... if Donald Trump wants people, wants Kamala Harris and others to stop saying that he is a threat to democracy, then he should stop threatening democracy."

But wait - there's more ...
Another Representative put her foot in it as well ... and again, on CNN (I'm sensing a pattern here) ...
    "The rhetoric is getting amped up to very volatile lead levels on one side of the aisle.  That is getting amped up by the GOP Republicans, MAGA Republicans, by Donald Trump"
Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ) 
to CNN

But don't worry ... Republicans are just as bad ...

J.D. VANCE - nominee for Vice President - has said a very stupid thing as well ... while in AtlantaMonday (the day after the attempt) he pointed out he difference between the 2 sides .... and here's the stupid part ...
his words .... NOT MINE ... 
" ... no one has tried to (unalive) Kamala Harris."
yeah - I changed his wording just a little bit, that's why it's in ()s


You already know the likes of the KKK and the Proud Boys are roaming around looking for trouble - why the heck would you even THINK such a thought???

THANK GOODNESS no one has tried this yet!!

Can you imagine the reaction??

Grandted, he did finish the thought saying that the Left needs to tone it down, and cut this crap out ... BUT ....
You know they stopped listening after that first little bit

And IF (Lord forbid) someone is stupid and does something - will JD vance then be considered a "conspirator"?? 

And can all these other people on the Democratic side ALSO be considered to be conspirators???

I have always believed, WORDS have meaning - they have Power .... that's the Power of Prayer .... that's the Power behind a Spell ... that's why Music and a good Book can touch us so deeply ...

If You Can't Say Something Nice - Don't Say Nothing At All!!!!!

I should put that on a t-shirt

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