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Thursday, September 12, 2024


Yeah - you read that right ... a second assassin has been caught IN THE USA ...

This time it's a Pakistani man .... who was out to "kill a politican", and I think we all know who that means ...

They said his name on Special Report (FNC) but I have no idea how to spell it .... I'm not that good at phonetics .... nor do I want to give this guy any direct publicity ... like so many "commentators" will do ... even though many say they are "journalists" - at least until hey get caught doing stupid stuff, then they'll say their just commenators .... 
I openly admit .... I'm just a BLOGGER

This guy is acused of "attempting to commit an act of terrorism, which transcends national boundries, as well as murder-for-hire" (Bret Beaer's words, no mine) .... 

His plot also included 2 Hit Men ... along with 25 actors to stage a FAKE PROTEST, plus other chaos .... and this next one is what makes the journalists think the target was Trump .... a WOMAN to do "reconnaissance"

But that was the end of the segmen!!!

So - how exactly was this gal supposed to do her "recon" that would make them think the target was Trump???
Would it be something Melania wouldn't approve of??
Is it something he's been accused of before?

Or maybe it was Biden?

She could be younger .... have nice smelling hair - we know how much he loves to sniff hair ....
Or maybe she was positioned in an ice cream shop?  Biden never passes one of those up ...

But they've got him .... and all this info came for court documents - so he's had a PRELIMINARY HEARING at the very least.

((oh my Lord - so many "t"s!!!))

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