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Tuesday, September 10, 2024


So all the news shows are going absolutely nuts over tonight's debate ....

For Mr. Trump it's debate #2 .... he's first being against Joe Biden - if you can even call that a debate .... it was just a shock that he didn't fall off the stage .... at one point Biden looked to the NON-EXISTANT audience for laughter to some "joke" he made, as lame as it was, and then acted as if he actually got it, smiling and nodding his head.

But for Trump his is his 2nd debate ....

But it's the first debate for Kamala Harris ... and they are already lowering expectations!  If she can smply not "cackle" she will be seen as having "won" ... but the whole "word salad" thing she does - then they wil say she won 

(I just deleted a ton of stuff, so I hope that makes some sense)

Mr. Trump, on the other hand, doesn't know how to dummy himself down ... in fact, his biggest issue is his mouth ... he has got to remember to keep to the subject and then just S-H-U-T-U-P!!!!!
I could tatally see him going off on a tangent tonight and saying something really dumb, that he won't be able to pull-back or fix.

We will see ....


Unless that change things from when this was set up .... and Harris is trying her damnedest to do just that ... here is what they agreed to:

90 Minutes

2 Breaks ... that's it, just 2 ... I would assume for commercials - I'm hoping there are NO POLITICAL commercials .... that would be "unfair" to both sides - even "down ticket" races I think shouldn't be allowed.

NO NOTES - only thing on those podiums are supposed to be a pen/pencil .... a glass/pitcher of water ... and a clean pad of paper!  

NO ONE gets o know the Questions ahead of time .... unlike when HILLARY CLINTON debated Trump - she got a copy of the questions from the MODERATOR beforehand ... so she knew what was going to be asked .... and she still lost against Trump.

They will be given equal time to answer questions directed to them (but I don't remember how long)
They get 1 minute to respond IF they are mentioned - i haven't heard if this includes countering replies though
They get 30 seconds to Rebutt the Response ...

Does this make sense?

Answer=2 minutes (?)
Response=1 minute
Rebutt=30 seconds

Mr. Trump won the Coin Toss .... do they really still use coinds? ... and he chose to Speak Last ...

Remember - Biden chose which side of the stage he wanted (and even then, he still looked the wrong way) ...

So, whichever side they are on tonight - that would be Kamala's choice.

I just hope - hope springs eternal - that ABC can be unbiased for a SINGLE nigh ... for 90 minutes ... and keep things CIVIL

And pleeeeeaaaase Mr. Trump -- stay on TOPIC ... don't start name calling or any of that're not a "rookie" anymore - we expect a lot more from you!

Ms. Harris - DON'T interrupt your opponent ... it was so RUDE of you to keep saying "I'm speaking" when you debated Pence.  I am actually surprised you were kept on the ticket, to tell the truth.

Okay ... I'm done!!!

I will try to find a YouTube of the debate .... hopefully, it won't get chopped up after the initial broadcast ... and embed it into a SEPERATE POST

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