May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Monday, September 09, 2024


Dang - I've never had that happen before ... the little foamy, cushiony part that sits under your keys ... if you've ever lost a key, you'll understand ... just popped off my keyboard!!!
This is going to slow me down - BIG TIME - because now i have to stop to make sure I am going to hit the right spot on the key every. single. time.
So - if you see letters missing .... just assume there's supposed to be a "t" there .... or forgive me if there are multiple "t"s there instead ....

So I'm watching Good Morning America (ABC) today, and here is a reporter who is talking about Friday's Press Conference offered by Donald Trump ....

although she referred to it as a "press conference" because she said he didn't answer a single question ...

But, deary, (oh that made me sound really old) when BIDEN or HARRIS does the exact same thing ... holding "news conferences" and not answer quesions .... you call it a News Conference, not a "news conference" ...


You HAVE TO keep the playing field LEVEL on both sides!

Make up your mind .... 

Is it okay to call it a News Conference, if no questions are answered .... or is it only a News Conference IF questions are answered?

Or, and this is probably the truth of the matter, only those held by YOUR political party will EVER be "air quote"-less???

Biden does this sort of thing ALL THE F'ING TIME and nothing gets said ....
We've seen Harris do it quite a lot lately as well ....
Tim Walz is a known repeater of it as well - even as Governor of a "fly over" state....

Let's get back to the roots of Journalism .... 


Either treat them all like they are telling the Truth ....
or treat them like they are all LYING to you!!!!

But - you've got to do it to BOTH

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