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Monday, September 16, 2024


Unless you've been under a rock for the last day or so, you know President Trump (I still call him President because he can still run for another term, just like President Carter) has another ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT this weekend - this time in Florida at his International golf course (what makes it "international", I wonder)

They got a guy they are pretty sure was the guy they shot at (and missed 4 times) ... but all that will play out in court ....

Mr. Trump has released a statement:
    "He believed the rhetoric of Biden and Harris, and he acted on it ... Their rhetoric is causing me to be shot at, when I am the one who is going to save the country ... // ... and they are the ones destroying the counry - both from the inside and out"
(that first set of "..." are from the station .... the "...//..." simply shows where the placards changed)

So .... no arrogance there at all ... NOT

How about a little HUMILITY, sir??

How about a "I'm so glad to be alive" or "the Secret Service did a great job" or even "We need to make this stop before somoeone else gets hurt"

NO - he has to say he's gonna "save the country" ... you arrogant son of a -----

But then - this is Trump ... and no one who runs for President can ever be accused of having a small opinion of themselves .... accept maybe, George Washington .... maybe.

Well, I'm glad he's okay ....
I'm glad the guy they caught is okay ...
I'm glad the Secret Service did a good job ....

The guy they say shot at him?

About 5-10 years away from geting Social Security ....

I'm gonna guess he didn't hear where Trump said he was going to eliminate the income tax on social securiy payments ...

Let's just hope the Republicams stay in charge of the House - because technically a President has no control over who gets taxed & who doesn't.

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