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Friday, January 31, 2025


This time, it's Philadelphia .... and it's a Sesna plane which .... for lack of a better term, fell from the sky into a MALL...

It seems like no one is very sure as to how many were on board ...
CNN read a statement from the AIRPORT where the plane took off, and said there were only 2 people on board ...
Fox, well I'm not watching Fox .... so as of right now, I have no idea what they are reporting ...
I am however, watching/listening to AgendaFree (YouTube) and they are reporting that there were 6 people on board - 2 pilots, 2 doctors, 1 adult (parent) and 1 child (patient, by the sound of it) ...

An oxygen tank was reported to have been found in front of a house about 1/2 mile or so away (according to AF) ... 
There are also reports of debris having fallen in a McDonald's parking lot - so the police are trying to keep people away from that ...

Supposably - there have been reports of people taking shrapnel from the crash ALREADY!!!!!

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