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Sunday, February 02, 2025


Okay - I happened to turn into Meet The Press (NBC) this morning .... in fact I'm watching it as I type ....

The Host "Christine" ..... I don't ususally watch so I've only heard her first name ... was questioning Rep. Schmitt - and I say "questioning" because she wasn't really "interviewing", she wasn't asking a question to hear a response, she questioned to elicite a particular response ...

She was trying to talk about a statement Trump made ... and he seemed clear, but it was more hazy than that .... but since she wasn't LISTENING to what the Rep. said - they wound up talking on 2 different paths ....

Trump had said something during a presser about the airplane crash about how people aren't being hired based on "merit" but on "DEI" .... I don't know if being a DEI hire would have anything to do with how well you do a job, but when it comes to AIRCRAFT/AIRTRAFFIC I'm pretty sure, they're going to hire the BEST available ....

She kept trying to get Rep. Schmitt to say Trump was wrong ... or that there was nothing wrong with DEI ... or that the ATF was ok with their hiring .... whatever ...

Rep. Schmitt was trying to explain the problem with hiring not on marit but on a DEI standard .... 

eye roll ...

I wouldn't have minded either view - but, damn it - LISTEN TO EACH OTHER

After she was finished with Schmitt, she popped over to Sen. Kelly (Arizona) ... wow - talk about a difference in how the questions were asked ....

Sen. Kelly hasn't "attacked" ... he was listened to, somewhat ... but he was led to the answers she wanted ...

She was also very much interested BOTH Congressmen about Tulsi Gabert .... in particular, her answer about Edward Snowden ....

To which Gabert refused to give a clear answer - very strange, but I can see where she would want to appear to be neutral until she eiher gets the job, or doesn't get the job .... 

A move usually seen during appointment hearings for Federal Judges ... although, for some reason they still try to get an advanced view on past cases .... and then act surprised when they don't get the answer they like.

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