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Sunday, February 23, 2025


 So, I'm watching my Sunday programming .... and I have to say, I'm shocked .... Fox News Sunday (FOX, KMSP local affiliate) had Congressman Jim Himes (D-CT) on, and the question was about what kind of return should America get for all the funding provided to Ukraine ..... it's a fair question ....

Himes returned with some revisionist history ....

It just looks like an episode of the Sopranos, right? Give us your minerals or we're not going to help you fight."

Remember - the Dems think that Trump is "owned" by the NY Mob .... don't be silly - you're looking in the wrong building, try the other end of the Plaza.

"Look, we've always stood with the Good Guys - we've always stood with Churchill against Hitler in World War 2..."

Wow - so CT schools failed this mans education.

During WW2, there were more pacifists in the USA than there had ever been before!

People didn't feel like entering another war which didn't involve the US directly ....

The US didn't hop onto the WW2 bandwagon until after Pearl Harbor!  Once Hawaii was attacked, and so many American boys were lost - that's when people hopped on.

Remember - we were in the middle of the Great Depression; we were still recovering from WW1 .... the Great War, which I think should be redubbed "The Forgotten War" .... 

Hell - even the UK was trying to stay out of the war .... remember CHamberlain?????

It took a long time before they felt it was right o join in .... go watch "Upstairs, Downstairs" the original series, they talk about WW1, "Duchess of Duke Street" protrays life back in England during the World Wars .... check out "All Creatures Great and Small", that is full of insights ...

Hell - go to YouTube and watch some documentaries ... you will see, I am not mistaken.

Let's just thank goodness that King Edward 8th wasn't on the throne for very long ....

He was a Nazi sympathizer - he wanted to be a dictator more than a King .... and, no, they are NOT the same thing.

"Even when we got it wrong, in Viet-nam, we were standing with the good guys against the VietCong ...."

Wait - are you actually speaking ill of President Kennedy?? After all, he's the one who set Johnson up to go to war - like Roosevelt-Truman, there was little communication with Johnson on such matters ... Johnson had no idea of what Kennedy had promised, or said, about any upcoming conflicts in the region.

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